Malahide President Bernadette with Parish priest Eduardo, and New Life Centre's Joan McDonald.
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Webcam Services for Our Lady Immaculate Church Darndale
Malahide, Portmarnock, Howth/Sutton and Clontarf Lions Clubs have joined forces to contribute €2,000 towards the cost of a Webcam for Our Lady Immaculate Church Darndale.
The Church and The New Life Centre strive to meet the ever-changing needs of the community in an inclusive, intergenerational, integrated way. The Centre warmly welcomes and supports all who interact with it. The community is supported through the provision of a broad range of vital community support services, e.g. crèche, after-school for ages 5-12 years, educational grinds, junior youth club and senior youth club, special needs group, sports club, adult activities, therapies and courses, active age groups and ladies club, drop-in and counselling services.
Covid has exacerbated inequality in society and thus the vulnerable and marginalised were hardest hit. For example, the Church was unable to provide streamed, online services to its parishioners during lockdown. Thankfully that need is now fulfilled and all services can now be accessed on line.
The Lions Clubs are delighted to be part of this project. The New Life Centre is involved in many different community projects and we will endeavour to work with them again in 2022.
Pictured below from left to right are: Ian Maguire, Clontarf Lions, Father Edwardo, Parish Priest, Darndale, Joan McDonald, Manager New Life Centre, John Powell, Howth/Sutton Lions, Bernadette Murray, Malahide Lions, Ann O’Reilly, Clontarf Lions Club, Ken Bracken and Shay Smith, Portmarnock Lions Club.