Hill Walk 2024 . The walk took place on Sunday, April 7th (The Sunday after Easter Sunday) Venue: Carlingford Update Twenty nine walkers boarded the bus at the Grand Hotel on the Sunday morning to make the trip to Omeath. The weather looked promising, if a bit windy. When we reached the start point a local man said "Good thing you weren't here an hour ago, The track was flooded"!! Anyway we set out on our walk along a pleasant flat track. On the way we encountered a local grotto, dedicated to St. Jude (hopefully not an omen), and several walkers and cyclists going in both directions. All too soon, we reached Carlingford and, with about an hour to spare before the bus departed, we repaired to a local hostelry for a welcome pint, partly to allow the stragglers to catch up. We returned to our base at Malahide Cricket Club where Lions Mary Mac, Maura and Sheila had laid out a great spread of sandwiches and Maura's delicious baking A big thank you to our walkers and their kind sponsors for making the day such a success. On Tuesday, May 28th, a cheque for €9,000 was presented to the St. Francis Hospice. (See Picture below) Cheque Presentation to the Hospice, May 27th, 2024.
L to R- Mairéad MacDonagh, CNM2, St. Francis Hospice, Bernadette Gillis, Hospice Fundraising Team, Ger Foran, President, Malahide Lions Club, Stephen MacDonagh (walk organiser) and Sheilagh McGirl, Malahide Lions Club. |
You should be in good health and used to walking. Wear suitable clothing, warm socks and comfortable footwear (boots with ankle support preferably). Take account of the prevailing weather conditions and dress accordingly. Sunblock may also be required (with a bit of luck!) Carry a backpack with liquid and a light lunch for one stop. The organisers will carry a first aid kit but it is advisable to carry a couple of plasters and blister pads. |