Anew Malahide and Swords Lions Clubs made a cheque presentation to 'Anew' to help upgrade their laundry room with the purchase of a clothes dryer for the house. Anew supports mothers who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, it offers these vulnerable women temporary accommodation along with education , life skills on looking after their babies and supports to help them link into other community services. It offers 24 hour care 365 days a year. They are financially supported by the Dublin Homeless Executive and Tusla. They also get a lot of practical support for local shops and businesses in the area. Lons were delighted to be able to help this worthy cause in some small way. This is the only facility of its kind in Ireland.
Rose Minton, Malahide Lions; Grainne Bollard, House Manager, Anew; Michael Clince, Swords Lions and Anne Watchorn, Malahide Lions