Each year at Christmas the children of St. Oliver Plunkett School in Grove Road under the Chairmanship of Tara Tobin of the Parents' Association embark on an ambitious fundraising initiative where they set out to walk the distance to the North Pole, a distance of some 4115km. Monies raised go, in the main, to St. Vincent De Paul but they also kindly make a donation to Malahide Lions Club This donation becomes part of our Christmas Appeal Collection, making Christmas a little easier for the less fortunate among us.
We wish to thank the parents, family & friends for their generous sponsorship of the children and the staff of STOP for their continued support over the years. We wish the children and their parents and teachers the best of luck and favourable weather over the coming weeks. Update- at the weekend we received €1000 from the parents, staff and children of "Ollies", which will go towards our Christmas Appeal total. Well done to all.