Walk in Santa's Boots!
From 17th November until 17th December the pupils from St Oliver Plunkett NS once again took on a 12,000km virtual walk to Lapland via the North Pole and back. The purpose of this challenging marathon was to raise funds for the Christmas Appeal for Malahide Lions Club and St Vincent de Paul. The families and friends of the children sponsored the walk and raised the much needed funds. A huge congratulations to the children who completed over 15,000km, and a massive Thank You to everyone for your most generous donations. |
The ‘Cyclethon’ consisted of 2 static bicycles which were manned and ‘womanned’ from 10am to 3pm in 30 minutes stints.
Six of our members and friends who are very seasoned cyclists took on the 100k road challenge in a Balbriggan to Howth loop, in very severe weather conditions and for this we are so grateful. Three of our members did the Walking Marathon and again a big ‘thank you’ to them. Finally a group of members and friends took on the 'Village Loop' Relay Walk around Malahide Village. |
Our Christmas Food Appeal took place on the 17th and 18th December.
For many years Malahide Lions Club, in common with clubs throughout the country, has made sure that those less well off in our society are not forgotten at Christmas time. Since 2003 the collection of food was discontinued for logistical reasons. For some years now we only collect money with which we purchase vouchers from the local supermarkets. These are then distributed to those in need. We have found this to be a most satisfactory arrangement as it enables the recipients to purchase what they really need. Furthermore, it also means that we are able to negotiate a really good discount on the vouchers. |